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The University took part at the Moscow International Salon of Education

The University of Film and Television was presented by the rector, Professor Alexander Evmenov who participated as a speaker of the round table discussion about  new formats of training, and by Vitaly Pavlov,  an assistant professor of the Department of Television, who conducted series of workshops  for the coordinators of the training video studios.

The main theme of this international salon was the synthesis of new methodology  and high technology in education, as well as the interaction between an educational community, business, government, social and cultural projects.

Not the first year the event is held under the auspices of the world famous company Panasonic. Professionals of this company recently focused on the adoption of modern technologies in museum affairs, but this year  they promoted modern training methodology.


- The event took place in a landmark location in Moscow - the exhibition complex in Krasnaya Presnya - says assistant professor Vitaly Pavlov. - The Salon was visited by the Minister of Education that emphasizes the importance of hot topic.  I presented the program "Creation of training video studio", prepared jointly with the deputy head of the Department of Television Irina Volodina. Presentation provoked great interest among specialists.


The most important result of the participating in  Moscow International Salon of Education is the agreement signed with a leading global electronics company about organization of Training Centre for the managers of school video studios on the basis of the University of Film and Television,  equipped by Panasonic Company. 





Associate Professor of the Department of Sound Production of St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television becomes a laureate of the Nika Russian Film Award

Polina Volynkina won the Nika Film Award. The sound designer received the main prize from the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Science for her work on Andrei Konchalovsky's film Dear Comrades!


Meeting between the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television and Unison Systems Co., Ltd.

On October 19, a meeting between the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television and Unison Systems Co., Ltd. Japanese company was organised.


Состоялись переговоры представителей СПбГИКиТ с японской компанией Unison Systems Co., Ltd.

19 ок­тября 2020 г. сос­то­ялись пе­рего­воры предс­та­вите­лей Санкт-Пе­тер­бург­ско­го го­сударс­твен­но­го инс­ти­тута ки­но и те­леви­дения с японс­кой ком­па­ни­ей Unison Systems Co., Ltd. Санкт-Пе­тер­бург­ский го­сударс­твен­ный инс­ти­тут ки­но и те­леви­дения предс­та­вили: Де­кан фа­куль­те­та те­леви­дения, ди­зай­на и фо­тог­ра­фии, и.о. за­веду­юще­го ка­фед­рой те­леви­дения П.П. Иван­цов и ве­дущий спе­ци­алист от­де­ла ака­деми­чес­кой мо­биль­нос­ти А.Н. Ось­ки­на. На встре­че уда­лось об­су­дить воз­можные нап­равле­ния сот­рудни­чест­ва с ком­па­ни­ей Unison Systems Co., Ltd., вклю­чая ва­ри­ан­ты ста­жиро­вок для на­ших сту­ден­тов.


СПбГИКиТ – участник круглого стола по вопросам партнёрства между российскими и японскими вузами

25 сен­тября 2020 г. про­шел круг­лый стол «Парт­нёрс­тва меж­ду рос­сий­ски­ми и японс­ки­ми ву­зами, предп­ри­ятиями и мест­ны­ми ор­га­нами влас­ти. Об­мен пе­редо­вым опы­том под­г


Professor of Television Department Konstantin Glasman was invited to become a member of the Program Committee of the Conference IBC 2017

Television, cinema and multimedia are the symbols of the modern age. Exhibitions, conferences or seminars, dedicated to them, are hold every week in any country in the world. However, the most spectacular event in this field is the International Broadcasters Congress of IBC in Amsterdam. This event includes a huge exhibition, a major scientific conference, presentations and shows for visitors, the discussions of experts, training seminars for beginners, a press conference for journalists, film festivals, parties and banquets for participants


Call for entries! The International Student Film Festival PeterKiT-2015

Dear students and graduates of film schools!


The ITU 150 Award was presented to Mark Krivosheev, the member of the Board of Trustees of St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television.

ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies, celebrated its 150th anniversary on 17 May, marking a long and illustrious history at the cutting edge of communication technologies.


The University took part at the Moscow International Salon of Education

The University of Film and Television was presented by the rector, Professor Alexander Evmenov who participated as a speaker of the round table discussion about new formats of training, and by Vitaly Pavlov, an assistant professor of the Department of Television, who conducted series of workshops for the coordinators of the training video studios.


Award winners announced for The 14th International Student Film Festival Peterkit

The 14th International Student Film Festival Peterkit of St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television has finished on 22nd of October, 2014.

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Ассоциация учебных заведений искусства и культуры

Ассоциация учебных заведений искусства и культуры, в которую входит СПбГИКиТ, выиграла грант Президента Российской Федерации на проект «Второе высшее образование, как фактор повышения уровня подготовки специалистов творческих профессий»

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