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SPUFT hosted the conference Management of Television Industry Enterprises. Russian and Chinese Perspective

On April 26, students and teachers heard reports and discussed the issues of television development in Russia and China. The reports were presented by master's degree students of the program Management of Television Industry Enterprises.


SPUFT students met with oceanologists within framework of the X International Festival Aquatica-24

The Festival programme included the National Scientific Conference called Water Resources – Natural Wealth of Planet Earth and a meeting with a trainer of deep-sea diving specialists, engineer, photographer and cameraman, Nikolay Shestakov, who gave a speech on the topic of Photography in Extreme Conditions.


Films by SPUFT alumni will be shown at the Grenzland-Filmtage Selb International Film Festival

The 47th Grenzland-Filmtage Selb International Film Festival will be held in Selb (Germany) on April, 4-7. The work of Dilshod Avazov (S. Ovcharov’s workshop, the class of 2023) short feature film Niso as well as We mourn directed by Elizaveta Verkhozina (A. Antonov’s class, the class of 2022) will be presented during the main competition stage.


SPUFT student film will be screened at the Festival in Portugal

Anna Danilova’s documentary film Re-discovery is included in the program of the CINENOVA Film Festival - 2024.


SPUFT selects student films for the CILECT competition

SPUFT is an official full member of CILECT, which is the largest international association of cinema, audiovisual and media schools.


David Pozdyrka is the winner of the Echo BRICS Film Festival

David's film What Happened Before the Guests Had Arrived won the first prize in the Short Film category at the Echo BRICS Film Festival.


The XXIII International Festival PiterKiT finished

The closing ceremony of the international stage of the XXIII International Student Film Festival PiterKiT took place on November, 28 in SPUFT.


SPUFT welcomed a delegation from Hainan Normal University

The colleagues discussed issues of further cooperation within the framework of the international programme of cooperation in the field of education.


The first stage of the XXIII International Student Film Festival PiterKiT starts on October, 19

The annual Festival will be held in two stages: the first stage (for SPUFT students) –October, 19-23, and the second stage (international) – November, 24-28 in the SPUFT's concert hall (Bukharestskaya street, 22) and in the creative space "Loft" (Pravdy street, 13).


Ekaterina Sazonova appointed Rector of SPUFT

On October, 10 Ekaterina Sazonova was appointed Rector of the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television by the order of Russian Ministry of Culture.

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Undergraduates and graduate students


Faculty and teaching staff


Teachers are laureates of all-Russian and international competitions and have State awards


Educational programs


Teachers have state honorary titles “People’s Artist of the Russian Federation”, “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”;


Academic buildings



Association of Educational Institutions for Art and Culture

The Association of Educational Institutions of Art and Culture, which includes SPbGIKiT, won a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the project "Second Higher Education as a Factor in Increasing the Level of Training of Specialists in Creative Professions"