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The V Youth Forum "St. Petersburg - Territory of National Accord" is over

From September 15 to September 17, 2017, the V Youth Forum "St. Petersburg - Territory of National Accord" was held in St. Petersburg. For four years, it has established itself as a unique platform for an open dialogue between the multinational youth of St. Petersburg and representatives of the authorities, the media and the scientific and expert community.

Participants of the forum were representatives of more than 60 national-cultural and public youth organizations of St. Petersburg, as well as students of leading universities of the city.

The Forum program is thematically divided into 3 blocks:
• intellectual and educational;
• sport;
• cultural and creative.

The participants of the Forum were able to demonstrate their skills in competitions in park orienteering with obstacle course, in the game "Lasertag" and "The swimming of friendship". At the "Evening of Friendship" the participants of the Forum presented folk dances and songs, dishes of national cuisines and crafts. The youth forum, of course, was not without the traditional ethnodisco.

At the end of the Forum there was a competition of projects to promote the ideas of harmonization of interethnic relations in St. Petersburg, the winners of which will have an opportunity to realize their projects. The Forum was organized by the Committee on Interethnic Relations and Implementation of Migration Policy in St. Petersburg. The event was supported by the Government of St. Petersburg.


Text: Employment Support Center of the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television
(when using material
from the official site of the administration of St. Petersburg)




Our University was awarded for active educational and social activities

On January 25, the Russian Students' Day, a celebration was held, during which the best students and employees in the field of education were awarded. From the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, Dmitry Barsukov, Vice-Rector for Academic and Scientific Work, and fourth-year students of the Faculty of Management and Media Communications Olga Korshunova and Alexandra Tereshchenko were presented for the award


The V Youth Forum "St. Petersburg - Territory of National Accord" is over

From September 15 to September 17, 2017, the V Youth Forum "St. Petersburg - Territory of National Accord" was held in St. Petersburg. For four years, it has established itself as a unique platform for an open dialogue between the multinational youth of St. Petersburg and representatives of the authorities, the media and the scientific and expert community.


Students of our University got acquainted with the work of the hotel "W St. Petersburg"

The Graduate Employment Assistance Center of our University organized a meeting of students with the employees of the hotel "W. St. Petersburg". The staff is waiting for them for an internship to reveal the secrets of the future profession.


The names of the most intelligent, beautiful and talented students of SPSUFT are announced

Every year the competition "Miss and Mister SPSUFT" gives the opportunity to students to fulfill themselves by various creative ways. The level of professionalism of the participants grows and the show gathers a full auditorium. This year it was so many people willing to watch such an amazing and colorful performance, so it wasn`t enough the seats in the concert hall for all, and the audience settled down on the steps of the hall.


The XV International Student Film Festival Peterkit 2015: the Winners and Results

On October 28, the concert hall of St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television hosted the the closing ceremony of XV International festival of student films Peterkit.

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Association of Educational Institutions for Art and Culture

The Association of Educational Institutions of Art and Culture, which includes SPbGIKiT, won a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the project "Second Higher Education as a Factor in Increasing the Level of Training of Specialists in Creative Professions"

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