The Conference "The digital and information technologies in the electronic media industry" was held in 14th time

The contest for students and postgraduates, which winners will participate in the International Congress of Broadcasters IBC 2016 in Amsterdam, took place as a part of a major scientific event.
The program committee of the conference "The digital and information technology in electronic media industry" includes Alexander Evmenov (Rector of SPUFT, Professor), Martin Salter (Director of the Educational Foundation of the International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers IABM), Stefan Mozar (a member of the Administrative Committee of the Broadcasting Technology Society BTS of The Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE), Konstantin Glasman (Head of International Relations Office of SPUFT, professor of Television Department, Chair of Video/Multimedia Committee IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, Member of IEEE.tv Advisory Committee) and Alexander Belozertsev (Head of Television Department).
The founders of the prizes for the competition of students and graduates was held in the framework of the Conference became: IABM (International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers), BTS (Broadcast Technology Society) IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ), the company Panasonic Russia Ltd., DNK Corporation (Moscow – St. Petersburg) and Joint Stock company "Scientific-Research Institute of Television" (St. Petersburg).
As in previous years, the conference expressed an interest of undergraduate and graduate students of different training areas and specialties. On the first day, June 29, participants made presentations on topics dedicated to the detection, identification and assessment of parameters of the objects in the images, processing audio, adaptation of television for people with disabilities, augmented reality system and others. Some of the reports have been prepared by the previous years IBC conference proceedings.
8 students and graduates, who expressed themselves the best way to in the first day of the conference, got the chance to compete for the prizes in the finals, which took place on July 1. Initially, each finalist made a brief presentation in English on one of the proposed topics:
• What caught my eye on IBC / IEEE / IABM site?
• What is the breaking news in broadcast technology?
• What is the most promising technology for broadcast industry of the future?
• What is the most significant must-attend event of IBC2016 Conference?
• What is the most significant must-attend technology section (sector) of IBC2016 Exhibition?
After that, all the finalists participated in the English debate on topical issues of television, broadcasting and media industry, which was held by Sebastian Moritz brilliantly.
As a result the awards and prizes were given to the following participants:
- Zhitina Maria, group 411, FTKiT - grant (full financial support) to participate in the largest international forum of technology and broadcasting technology – IBC 2016 (International Broadcasting Convention, 8-13 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) by the International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers IABM;
- Korostekov Stepan, group 212 FTKiT - a grant to participate in the International Congress of Broadcasters IBC 2016 by the International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers IABM;
- Balakireva Elizaveta, group 419 FTKiT - a grant to participate in the International Congress of the Broadcasters of IBC 2016 by Broadcast Technology Society BTS of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE;
- Savenkova Irina, a graduate student - a grant to participate in the International Congress of the Society of the Broadcasters IBC 2016 by Broadcast Technology Society BTS of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE;
- Shlyakhtenko Marina, group 212 FTKiT - a grant to participate in the International Congress of the Society of Broadcasters IBC 2016 by Broadcast Technology Society BTS of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE;
- Petrovsky Eugene, group 211 FTKiT - tablet computer from JSC "Scientific-Research Institute of Television"; certificate for participation in the seminar dedicated to technical innovations and advanced technologies of audiovisual production by Panasonic Russia Ltd. Company (Full financial support, including travel costs to Moscow, accommodation and participation in the workshop);
- Yudin Semyon, group 321 FTKiT - tripod by DNK Corporation; certificate for participation in the seminar in Moscow from the company Panasonic Russia Ltd Company;
- Mirzayanova Svetlana, group 312 FTKiT - certificate for participation in the seminar in Moscow from Panasonic Russia Ltd Company.
An interesting lecture of Nicholay Shatin, an engineer of the Broadcast Engineering Department of Panasonic Russia Ltd. Company "Cloud and IP-technology in modern news production " dedicated to the next revolution in media production - the transition from recording of audiovisual data on local drives camcorders to transfer them in real time, storing and processing by cloud service” is also took place in the framework of the Conference.
We congratulate the winners of the contest and invite students and postgraduate students to participate in the XVth scientific conference "The digital and information technology in the electronic media industry - 2017"!