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Brian Helgeland, the fisherman, who became a director

November 12, the students of St.Petersburg state University of Film and Television met with Brian Helgeland, an Oscar winner, screenwriter and director. Hollywood filmmaker told the students about his professional development and shared some of his secrets.

Brian Helgeland told his history from the beginning, when his parents came to the United States from Norway, and he considers himself a first-generation American:

- I grew up in a house where my grandfather lived when he arrived to the United States and worked as a fisherman. My father was a fisherman. So I grow up in the house where I`ve never went to the movies. I loved movies, but I watched them on television. I was always reading novels when I was a boy. I studied English literature at the university. When I graduate from school, I couldn`t find a job, because in the United States there is no job for man studied English literature.

Brian had to do only one thing - to follow his relatives and become a fisherman. He was fishing for a year and half,  but it was too cold and he decided to go to Florida in the winter. He was in the bookstore and saw at the bottom shelf the book "The Guide to Apply to the Film School":

- I was so naive, I didn`t know such school even existed. I have looked in the book and was really excited, that all of these schools are in Los Angeles, and I knew there was very warm. So I applied into film school. It was necessary to write a script for entering. But I`ve never write any creative works before, just reports.

After graduation, Brian has written six scripts, and none of them was filmed. His life changed when he started working on the sequel of the cult horror film "A Nightmare on Elm Street":

- A horror movie is good that they are very cinematic. And you have to think a lot about the screen and the visuals much less on the dialogues. Early in my career, from 1988 to 1989, I wrote three scenarios for the horror. 

Brian Helgeland is a screenwriter of 19 filmed movies and he is a director of 5 of them.

After three horror films he wanted to try something different.

"LA Confidential" brought to Helgelend "Oscar" and "Golden Globe". The life of Brian started a whole new period. 

 His next directorial work was "A Knight's Tale" with Heath Ledger in the lead role:

- When I was looking for the idea for the film to do, I came cross a book about the Middle Ages and I discovered a rule that knights of noble blood could only participate in tournaments. It's a bit like the story of the fisherman who wanted to become a director. As strange as it may sound, but for me it's very autobiographical film.


Brian went on to write scripts for other directors – two films with Clint Eastwood, two films with British director Tony Scott.  

The last forty minutes of his speech, Brian Helgilend answered the students' questions an then photographed with everyone. 



The film "Days of Doubt" by SPUFT’s student won a prize of the XIII International Youth Film Festival "Light of the World"

The film "Days of Doubt" by Dilshod Avazov, a student of the feature film department of the St. Petersburg State University of Flilm and Television, became a prize-winner of the XIII International Youth Film Festival "Light to the World". The jury awarded the film with three prizes at once.


Chinese students were welcomed at SPUFT

On May 15, a solemn meeting of foreign guests took place at the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television. Students and teachers from Hainan Normal University were welcomed by representatives of the university. As part of the foreign delegation, Secretary of the Committee of the Youth Union Cai Ting and acting teacher Ruan Yongchen visited St. Petersburg.


Olga Lyubimova: "The INtonations Festival has become the main industrial platform for those who work with sound"

The grand opening of the IX International Film Festival of Student Works of Sound Engineers "INtonations" took place at the Saint Petersburg State University of Film and Television. More than 500 applications from 22 countries were submitted to the Festival, 69 works are included in the competition program.


A student of SPUFT made a report at an International Research and Practice Conference

February 9 , 2023 3rd year student of group 1061 Binhao Quan under the scientific supervision of Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages A. Oskina made a report at the XXVII International Research and Practice Conference "The service of practical psychology in the education system: the personality and activity of a teacher-psychologist in the modern educational space".


Film of Student of St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television is in Berlin International Film Festival

In March, one of the most significant film festivals in the world takes place - the Berlinale. This year, it is divided into two parts. Now the events are taking place online, but in June there is a hope to hold events for a wide audience offline. A full-length film from Russia, "The Fisherman's Daughter", directed by Uldus Bakhtiozina, was selected for the main competition programme. The selection committee of the Berlin International Film Festival got interested in this surreal story, based on Slavic tales and myths. The executive producer of the film is Maria Pavlova, a student of the Faculty of Screen Arts, Department of Film and Television Producing, St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, group 3661.


Films of the graduates of St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television will be shown at the 41st Moscow International Film Festival

From 19 April till 24 April, within the framework of the 41st Moscow International Film Festival, a show of the best domestic short films will traditionally take place in the House of Cinema. This year, the program includes films of students and graduates of St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television: "Asya" (dir. D. Rybakyan, workshop of K. S. Lopushansky), "By hardcore" (directed by O. Urakin, workshop of K.S. Lopushansky), "The Teacher" (dir. M. Yelagin, workshop of V.A. Sarukhanov V.A. and I.P. Naumov).


A creative meeting with film director Viktor Merezhko was held at the St. Petersburg University of Film and Television

October 18, the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television was visited by the People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the USSR State Prize, screenwriter, film director, actor, winner of numerous awards Viktor Ivanovich Merezhko. A working conversation took place between the master and the students, during which the future playwrights asked the master of their questions


Our University took part in the “Battle of film schools”

On September 26, 2018, “Battle of Film Schools” was held at Amedia Studio, where students and graduates of the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television presented their projects and also got acquainted with the organizers and producers of domestic film companies


Our student received a government award

The owner of the "Grand Prix" of the festival "PeterKiT" student of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television Daniella Rybakyan took part in the competition for the city government prize. For the film "Asya" she received the main award, as well as a letter of thanks, signed by the Governor of St. Petersburg, Georgi Poltavchenko


The film "Calendar" was included in the program of the Cannes Film Festival

The short film "Calendar", the executive producer of which was the student-producer of the 5th course Lilia Sklyarova, got into the Cinefondation program of the 71st International Cannes Film Festival


The teacher of the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television became a winner of the International Festival Casual Connect Disneyland

The international festival of computer and video games Casual Connect Disneyland awarded a project "Molecats" of Stanislav Gailunas a victory in two nominations


A student of our University won an international photo contest

December, 15 at the General Staff of the State Hermitage opened an exhibition "A new look. Transforming in the ages". It was the result of an international photo contest held by the State Hermitage and the State Museum-Monument "St. Isaac's Cathedral" with the support of the Government of St. Petersburg. One of his winners - a student of our University Ivan Turuhano


"Disney" is looking for talents: a contest for the best scripts is open

Students of the University of Film and Television attended the master class of Vladimir Vereshchagin, director of the television and film production department of Disney company. Vladimir told the students about the project "Happiness is ...", in which any beginning cinematographer can take part.


American cinema is getting closer

The "Digest" project started at our university: under the guidance of teachers of the Foreign Languages Department, students translate articles from specialized magazines devoted to film production and discuss them in class. This allows them to learn about the latest American movies and improve their English.


A graduate of our University received the main prize at the International Sci-On Festival

In the American city of Reno (Nevada) for the second time there was a festival of science fiction Sci-On, in which young animators from all over the world took part. A graduate of the St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television Maria Konopatova received the main prize in the nomination "Best Student Animation Film" for the cartoon "The Power of Attraction".


IV International festival "INTONATIONS-2017" named the winners

On April 27, the final of the IV International Festival of sound engineering works "INTONATIONS-2017" took place in the cinema hall of the University. The jury was named winners, marked with prizes, diplomas and memorable gifts. A real gift for the participants and guests of the festival was a master class by the famous Russian composer, Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Knaifel.


The conference within the framework of the 5th St.Petersburg International Cultural Forum was held in the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television

December, 1, The theoretical and practical conference "Problems and prospects of the development of the training system for film and television. Project approach to film education” within the framework of the 5th St.Petersburg International Cultural Forum was held in the concert hall of the University


Polina Volynkina was awarded by The Venice Film Festival

"Paradise", film by Andrei Konchalovsky, in which crew our graduate Polina Volynkina worked as a sound producer, claims for the "Oscar". The film has won two awards of the 73rd Venice Film Festival : Silver Lion for Best Director and a special award Soundtrack Stars Award for the soundtrack


The exhibition "O Cinema, You Are the World!" opened in the Archival Committee of St. Petersburg A

The exhibition was prepared in the framework of the Year of Russian cinema and was dedicated to the 313 th birthday of St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television became a cCo-organizer of the exhibition, which made a valuable contribution to the study of the great history of our city.


Raye Farr: "You need to be honest and not to stop back from what you have found"

The famous American director of documentary Raye Farr met with students. She is an author of films: "Lethal Medicine: Creating the master race," "The American response to the Nazi bonfires of books", "The Nuremberg trials: what is justice?", "Hollywood - years of silence", "The World at War ", and many others.


German filmmakers visited St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television

From 3rd to 6th of December The Festival of German Cinema under the auspices of the Goethe Institute was held in St. Petersburg for the 12th time. The participants accepted the invitation to visit the University of Film and Television and met with students


Brian Helgeland, the fisherman, who became a director

November 12, the students of St.Petersburg state University of Film and Television met with Brian Helgeland, an Oscar winner, screenwriter and director. Hollywood filmmaker told the students about his professional development and shared some of his secrets.


The XV International Student Film Festival Peterkit 2015: the Winners and Results

On October 28, the concert hall of St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television hosted the the closing ceremony of XV International festival of student films Peterkit.


“French St.Petersburg and Russian Paris”

July 12, the premiere of the film "French Petersburg" took place, it is the joint work of students of creative specialties of St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television and the International Film School of Paris EICAR. The film combined wonderful stories of the French emigrants in St. Petersburg, such as the coordinator of French events, the French teacher and a bar owner.


Berlinale Talents 2015

Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Screen Arts of St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television Alexander Markov was selected to participate in the prestigious workshop of 65th Berlin Film Festival “Berlinale Talents”.


University graduates won "Silver Lion" with Andrei Konchalovsky

September 6, 2014 the crew of the film "White Nights of Postman Alexey Tryapitsyn " looked forward to the announcement of the results of the 71th Venice Film Festival. Award for Best Director, which Andrei Konchalovsky has won, became a momentous event for the Russian cinema. The University of Film and Television is also proud, because our graduates worked in crew of this film.

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Association of Educational Institutions for Art and Culture

The Association of Educational Institutions of Art and Culture, which includes SPbGIKiT, won a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the project "Second Higher Education as a Factor in Increasing the Level of Training of Specialists in Creative Professions"