The University and Biennial MANIFESTA 10 have launched an educational project Manifesta TV

Before the start in St. Petersburg of Europe's largest forum of contemporary art MANIFESTA 10 the St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television opened an experimental school for TV journalists in conjunction with the Exhibition Department of Education. According to the authors, the project Manifesta TV aims not only to introduce their students the practice of creating reports on cultural and art events , but also to lay down the foundations for a revival of a real cultural journalism in the northern capital.
- Manifesta TV is an old dream of MANIFEST A `s leadership - says the Project Coordinator, journalist Tatyana Troyanskaya (pictured). - Fortunately for us, it was succeed in St. Petersburg, a city that is experiencing some problems with cultural journalism - the last year the culture began to draw attention only because of some scandals or bans. At the same time, culture and art is a living history and it worth to be told about by living language. I think MANIFESTA is the best platform for such an initiative.
The program of Manifesta TV includes a series of lectures and workshops for students, who were selected on a competitive basis. For three weeks, each of the six streams of the project must pass a crash course mastery of television journalism. Tutors are not only a professionals, but also potential newsmakers. The outcome of the participation at this project should be a series of reports about Biennial MANIFESTA 10 events, and the entire technical process - from shooting to editing - students also have to go on their own, under the guidance of experienced teachers of high school. Finished stories will be shown in the General Staff Building of the Hermitage Museum.
- This is of course experiment, but any movement is due to the experiment - Tatyana Troyanskaya continues. - In three weeks, you can dip into the profession, and then will to learn to swim. But the knowledge gained during the project, certainly will be enough to them for a long time.
The presentation of Manifesta TV took place in June, 17, in Digital Cinematography Research and Innovative Center of the University. After an introduction the audience was asked about expectations from the project and they were chosen a topic for a future program of Biennial reportage. June, 19, the first theoretical lecture was delivered by a Vladimir Gusarov, an anchorman of Culture TV channel. Then, in June, 21, the participants will see the equipment before the first exit "in the field" at the opening MANIFESTA 10.
The project Manifesta TV consists of the six streams (6 students each). The duration of participation in each group - 3 weeks. We invite the students of the University of Film and Television to apply for the following sets. Please, send brief story about yourself to the address: press[at]gukit[dot]ru. The participation in the project is for free.